Conditions for thriving – 6th of 6 – daily practices

Where are you on the continuum from surviving to thriving? If you’d like to be more thrive than survive, you’re in the right place. I’m taking a look at the conditions for thriving over 6 weeks – a short video each week to start moving towards thriving.


Where are you on the continuum from surviving to thriving?

If you’d like to be more thrive than survive, you’re in the right place. I’m taking a look at the conditions for thriving over 6 weeks – a short video each week to start moving towards thriving. Taking it gently, without judgement and most importantly, because it’s never the slog that will get us there, it’s the joy, enjoying the process, let’s see how far towards thrive we can get in 6 short videos…

This week – daily practices

The practices that will build the conditions in which you thrive

  • The intention to put into place things that work for you
  • The daily time and space to give that attention

No push, struggle, making hard work of it, gritty determination or nerves of steel required… instead simple daily attention to what you need, to what the conditions are in which you thrive, and then attention to bringing that about. Shall we, gently, without fanfare, begin? If the conditions in which you thrive include fanfare, then of course, bring on the band : )

Last week was week five.

The qualities you bring.

 The six week programme looks like this

Week one – What is life for and in what manner would you like to live it?

Then a week each on John Ruskin’s three things considered necessary to be happy in our life’s work

Week two  – you must be fit for it

Week three – you must not do too much of it

Week four – you must have a sense of success in it. “Not a not a doubtful sense, such as needs some testimony of others for its confirmation, but a sure sense, or rather knowledge, that so much work has been done well, and fruitfully done, whatever the world may say or think about it.”

Week five – the qualities you particularly bring and can give life to

Week six –  find and establish your own everyday practices that will build the conditions in which you thrive into your life

If you could do with a gentle move towards thriving,

Gentle being the operative word.  I’ve been working with a group for over a year in this way to make significant shifts through simply bringing our attention consistently to the things we’d like to change. It’s a gentle, kind way of bringing about change. No push, struggle, determination or hard work has been required. Starting with acceptance of whatever the current situation is, without the tense energy of resistance or shame. Instead moving to having  a sense of how you would like things to be and then bringing regular attention to the new.

This is the final video in the series and it’s time for action. Shifting attention from the conditions for thriving to how to bring them about. The practices you can put in place to bring about the changes you’d like.

And do come and ask any questions or leave a comment

I’d love to hear what you’ve decided to do


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If your interest is piqued and you want more thrive and would like some help to get going I have coaching spots available. We can plot your route to thrive. Get in touch and we can talk about what would work for you.


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