You might be trying too hard

When you're tired. Really tired. In your bones tired. You're delving deep and changing yourself.  And maybe trying too hard. Some comfort for you... 

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash


When you’re tired.

Really tired.

In your bones tired. You’re delving deep and changing yourself.

And maybe trying too hard.

Some comfort for you…


From Susan Weed

“Fall into my arms and sleep,” offers Grandmother Growth.

“You don’t have to make things happen; they will happen on their own.

Let me hold you.

Let go.

Don’t resist.


You are working hard.

You are delving deep and changing yourself.

Of course you are tired. Change is hard work.

Rest in my strong arms.

Let go.

Give your weariness to me.

Let go of all that worries you.

Surrender yourself into my strength.

Take courage from me.

Let me support you.

Let me ease you.

Let go.”


With thanks to Chris Zydel of Creative Juices Art for posting it on facebook


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