Pleasure or poison for your soul

What have you done today for the pleasure of your soul?

If, as Thomas Moore describes in his book “Care of the Soul”

ease is a form of pleasure, disease a loss of pleasure


pleasure is one of the most prominent factors discussed whenever soul is placed at the centre of concern”

then we might do well for our souls to consider where things in our lives are lacking in pleasure.

“We might live in a world where our ears would not be assaulted all day long by either harsh sounds or Muzak.  We think of pollution as chemical poisoning, but the soul can be poisoned through the ear.

We might be aware of scents and aromas as well.

The stomach takes no pleasure in frozen or powdered foods.

The back of the neck complains about polyester.

The feet die of boredom for lack of walking in interesting places.”

Where has your life become denuded of pleasure and the lack is poisoning your soul?

What have you done today for the pleasure of your soul?


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